Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Countdown is On Sister!

It's one week from today when my Sister is scheduled to have her baby, and it has me thinking about the things that she should try to fit into her last full week of alone time during the day. Sister, Here is my personal list for you.

1. Sleep Through the Night- At this term of your pregnancy this may require limiting fluids a few hours before bed time, but your sleep is about to be interrupted for quite sometime.

2. Do a Craft- Paint a chair, make a plate, or personalize something. Whatever it is; just sit down, and complete something! This may be the last time you are able to get a task done in a reasonable amount of time without having to get up a hundred times to attend to other things in between.

3. Have a Movie Marathon- After baby comes, you will probably not be able to watch an entire movie in one sitting unless it's later in the evening. Which in this case, you or your husband is likely to fall asleep.

4. Take a LONG trip to Target- I love Target ( I know you do too), but really this can be any store that you enjoy.  From now on you will either have baby with you, or you will have an internal clock ticking that is telling you... I need to go nurse, I need to get home and relieve the husband, I need to get home with the diapers, etc...

5. Go on a Date Night during the Week- Even if you have several babysitters on hand, they will likely be around mainly on weekends if they are working during the week. Oh, and make sure it is NOT a kid- friendly restaurant. ;)

6. Make a Quick Trip-  Just jump into the car (by yourself), and run to the grocery store to buy one item. Take time to appreciate how nice it is to just grab your purse, without having to grab a diaper bag, nursing cover, bottles, a sippy cup, or Cherrios. It will be a long time before this is not just an occasional luxury again.

7. Take a Long Drive with your Husband-  Soak in the fact that there is just the two of you. For the next several years you will be constantly glancing or reaching (if not riding) in the back seat to tend to the needs of someone else. Turn the radio off, so you can chat without the sounds of anything coming from the backseat. From now you will mostly be driving to the sounds of children. Crying, babbling, toys that light up and play music, cartoons, kids laughing, or yelling "Stop it!", will be the back ground music that you drive to for years to come. The car will never, ever be the same. This is very true.

Having said all of this, it is the greatest thing that you will ever be a part of, and hard to explain until you are growing your own. There will be infinite laughs, and times of fun. For every hard day, there are 30 good days in between, and you always have your biggest fans with you along the way. It's Your Family.
I love you, and wish you the best of luck. I promise I will get home soon to meet the Babes. I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, sister!!! I love it!! The countdown is on!
